
Your vision is set and the window of opportunity is closing.

You need to get started.

Inertia is a great thing—once you get moving. When you set out on a time-critical change, you can’t afford to waste time on a slow ramp up. 

How do you know when you’ve launched?

If you can check all of these off, you’re up and running.

  1. You’ve articulated a clear vision.

  2. The team is on board and OWNs success.

  3. Resources are committed.

  4. The team has a simple and efficient collaboration plan.

  5. Measures and milestones are clear to all.

  6. The plan mitigates risks as early as possible.

  7. You’re ready to adjust course when circumstances dictate. 

… and the kickoff meeting was weeks ago and progress is ahead of plan.

If you’re just starting out, that sounds like a lot. My Rapid Launch will get you through this list in the shortest time.

How we do this:

We meet 1-1 to discuss your vision, window of opportunity, and the significance of the work to your business. If we started this process with a Digital Vision Day, we can skip this step.

Then we pull together your team in a series of rapid-fire meetings to build a plan that checks off all the boxes above. Depending on how you can commit your resources, this can happen in one week, or over the cause of up to four weeks. We never take longer than a month.

Your outcomes are:

  • A shared vision and definition of success across the whole team.

  • A catalog of assumptions, risks and lessons to be learned.

  • Milestones, and a timeline or achieving each on, based on these assumptions.

  • A risk mitigation plan—actions to be taken in the event of setbacks.

  • Adoption of an efficient communications plan to keep the team and stakeholders on pace.

… and we don’t say we’re done until we’re weeks past the kickoff.

Put your upgrade on auto-pilot 

If you need to build momentum with a plan you can have confidence in, click here and send me an email or call (647) 400 2514. We’ll discuss how you can execute on a Rapid Launch.