Is this an upgrade year?

I think of new year resolutions in the same way I think of annual reviews. Why would you only pay attention to improvement once a year?

So I’m putting a new twist on the resolution thing. See if you like this …

Before you decide WHAT to improve upon in your business, you’ll want to start with what’s wrong today. Doubtless, you could rhyme off a few annoyances, but let’s begin the year by asking two questions.

What’s wrong with your business today?

Or if you prefer, what’s left over when you note down the things that are good?

Write down the ten best things about your business. Rank them if you think that will help.

Now write down the ten worst things, or areas that are holding you back, losing business, running at a loss, degrading your customer experience, or causing your colleagues to be inefficient in their work. Rank these from most worse (#1) to least worse (#10).

Who cares?

Ask customers and colleagues the same question and compare notes. 

What do you notice?

So what?

This is the first in an occasional series that I’ll be running through the coming year. Next instalment will help you determine how good is good enough.

Trusting Technology is a book about forming ideas, exploring opportunities with customers and colleagues, and building your future together. Order your copy here.