COVID is forcing Change Management on Steroids

I devoted an entire Chapter of Trusting Technology to Building Confidence with change. A kind reader suggested that I share that with you all as a guide to dealing with the massive change management exercise that’s been dropped in our laps.

COVID is, of course, not your run-of-the-mill change. Most of us have been catapulted through the acceptance phase and landed in the new reality. I’ve modified the excerpt below to reflect this. I hope it helps.

Gaining Confidence

Consider that every change will disrupt the daily routine of several—often many—individuals. Each member of your team and each customer will adapt at their own pace. If the change is significant, they’ll travel along a personal change curve that looks something like the Kubler-Ross Model below. This curve reflects the ebb and flow of our morale and competence as we move through Shock, Denial, Frustration, Depression, Experiment, Decision and Integration. Interestingly, it’s a variation on the five stages of grief—Shock and Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

Essentially, it’s an inverted bell curve. High, to low, and back to high again. Many are currently descending down the left-hand side of the curve.

If each of us is uncomfortable with changing our little piece of the world, how much more complicated is it for all of us to adapt in sync? We all have to see the value of the change, coordinate all our dependents and dependencies, and take the journey together.

It takes many leaders to make progress but only one naysayer to scupper the work. As a leader, you need to pace your team with realistic goals. Take the Feel Your Team Test to explore small, meaningful steps you will lead with.

Feel Your Team Test

  1. List every member of your team.

  2. Speak with each team member to assess their morale; low, medium, or high.

  3. What measures will you employ to bring the team along at the best pace?

If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

Trusting Technology is a book about forming ideas, exploring opportunities with customers and colleagues, and building your future together. Order your copy here.