Operate a remote business at full speed

Operating a remote business is different. Now that many co-located teams have been forced to disperse to home bases, the focus is how best to operate in a remote environment.

I’ve helped dozens of leaders roll out remote working programs—often despite initial reservations—and actually increase the productivity of their business. I’ve released a new paper to help you apply some best practices to your business. (If you’ve read Trusting Technology, you’ll be familiar with my 5-minute exercise style.)

If you are in the process of making this change to your business, rest assured that many functions can operate at full speed—sometimes better—in a remote world.

If you’ve already made the move faster than you would have preferred, I offer my paper as a checklist of important things you may not have had time to attend to.

It’s one thing to put the basic technology in place, quite another to check all the boxes in collaboration, culture and security and to navigate the change with your team.

My paper is available here. I hope it’s of value to you.

I’m also offering a free consultation on setting up your business to run at full pace in a work from home world. If I can be of any assistance with your decision, action plan, and rollout of a remote working program, please contact me at graham@primefusion.ca and let me know.

Trusting Technology is a book about forming ideas, exploring opportunities with customers and colleagues, and building your future together. Order your copy here.