Walls are tumbling down

Constraint generates innovation. When supply outstrips demand, we try new solutions. Yet again, the virus is forcing a re-think and old walls of resistance are tumbling.

Wall #1—most businesses that can operate remotely are now doing so. And the best have found that they can operate at approaching full speed. (I offer ideas for faster operation here.) Microsoft Teams is proving to be a killer app. The resounding message from the many CEOs I speak with is that remote working will form a part of their models in the long term.

Wall #2—medical services need a way to serve patients faster. AI has been trialed in Healthcare for years, long enough to establish its triage capabilities. Human-in-the-loop ensures that the final diagnosis is made by a medical professional, but AI is now enabling doctors to make an isolation decision in 10 minutes, down from a problematic 12 hours. Too many patients + not enough time = acceptance of new practices. Assuming success, why would the healthcare industry go “back to normal” after the current pressure is lifted?

Wall #3—rapid action practices that matured in the fast-moving technology industry are being adopted by mainstream businesses.

This is the essence of 10x thinking—achieving greater outcomes by doing things differently (much more on that in Trusting Technology).

As most of you know, my work is less about technology, more about the practice of technology. The design of business, customer-driven systems thinking, and think big/ act small path to confident teams.

The early evidence—and it still is early in the game—is that greater adoption of the practice of technology delivers the resilience that will separate new leaders from the pack. Just ask The Economist and McKinsey.

How could Digital Resilience play a role in making your organization stronger?

Your Constraints

The last thing any of us need right now is more constraints.

But when you begin to think about your business’s recovery—at a time when your market has settled into whatever new pattern emerges—I urge you to consider the way constraints can improve your performance.

What novel constraints will the new pattern impose on your business? How will you respond?

And what constraints can you impose on yourself and your colleagues to force you to build a more resilient business?

Podcast Bulletins …

Delighted to be interviewed by Deb Zahn for Craft of Consulting. We talk about why staying ahead of technology advances is critical for achieving your business goals, and how to get the right technology in place to thrive. Check out the podcast on iTunes.

And in case you missed my interview on Growth Ignitors Radio, check it out here for the misconceptions about the potential of technology, the most critical issue to consider when deciding on tech benefits, and three immediately useful ideas for using technology to create real value during this crisis and beyond.

Trusting Technology is a book about forming ideas, exploring opportunities with customers and colleagues, and building your future together. Order your copy here.