
I’m a big fan of regular retrospectives to summarize lessons learned at the conclusion of any project, and to institute measures to improve future outcomes as a result. If you’re not already in the habit of conducting these, there’s no better time than the end of the year to get started.

It’s fashionable to use this time of the year to look back and look forward. Let’s start the process by reviewing your year in Tech. Try this exercise to rate your organization’s performance over the last 12 months.

Was Your Tech Year a Success?

Try this simple review of your :

  1. What business outcomes delighted you this year? Which of these were enabled by your technology investments?
  2. Did your Tech perform flawlessly, or were any business goals missed as a result of issues?
  3. List your top five project disappointments. These could include unexpected delays, major discoveries made during the course of a project that could ( should?) have been uncovered at the outset, or outcomes simply not matching up to your original expectations.
  4. How many projects hit the targets set at the outset?
  5. How many missed the target date and/ or exceeded the original budget? Why did they miss?

The answers to these questions will provide you with a pretty good snapshot of the health of your technology investments over the past year. If you’re unhappy with anything you’ve learned from this exercise, then we should definitely talk.

Either way, send me the outcomes and I’ll be happy to set up a call to suggest measures to build on in the coming year. As ever, I’m available at .